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Introducing Xmark Housewrap

Xmark Housewrap

Our monolithic Xmark Housewrap replaces both micro-perforated and micro-porous housewrap technologies. The monolithic film, an unperforated non-woven polypropylene, is continuous without holes, pores or micro-pores and has a breathable coating on one side. It "breathes" by transmitting vapor from inside to outside via an absorption/diffusion/desorption mechanism allowing moisture out but blocking the transmission of moisture from outside to inside the house.

Xmark Housewrap provides resistance to liquid water that can penetrate outer cladding, creates resistance to passage of air, and limits the passage of water vapor to prevent build up of moisture in the wall cavity.

Compared with asphalt saturated kraft or felt, Xmark Housewrap has a higher resistance to tearing and breaking, is dispensed in large sheets with fewer lap joints, is durable after long-term water, heat, UV and wind exposure, has high resistance to water under pressure and will not absorb water thereby reducing the chance of mold growth.

Compared with many micro-perforated and microporous housewrap technologies, Xmark Housewrap exhibits desirable mvtr results, shows good hydrostatic resistance, holds up as an excellent air barrier, is insensitive to surfactants, and serves as an intrinsic viral/bacterial/odor barrier.

This product is approved for sale in both the U.S. and Canada (including Ontario) and complies with ICC-ES, CCMC, and BMEC standards.
Features and Benefits
  • Moisture resistant
  • Good hydrostatic resistance
  • Excellent air barrier
  • Insensitive to surfactants
  • Intrinsic viral/bacterial/odor barrier

Note: Always test before use.

Xmark Housewrap
Part# Description Price/Sqft Price
PSAMHOUS9100 Xmark Housewrap 10.4 cents $93.50

Detailed specifications
  • 2.7 oz per square yd
  • 1-side coated non-woven PP
Physical Property comparison with Dupont® Tyvek® HomeWrap®
Property Xmark Housewrap Tyvek®
Tensile Strength (lb/in) 20/15 30/30 
Trapezoidal Tear (lb) 20/15 7/7
Hydrostatic Resistance (cm) 581 210
MVTR (g/m2/24 hr) 77 180
Air Permeance (L/s/m2 @ 75 Pa) 0.0014 .004
Air Porosity (sec per 100 cc) >1800 1200

Specifications for Tyvek® are based on datasheet HW 26E 10/29/2008.
Product Specifications for Tyvek® HomeWrap® in Canada have been optimized to meet the Canadian Building Code requirements for air barriers and may differ from those for U.S. product. Information on Xmark Housewrap is based on independent test results KE2007 Rev 7 10/15/2007. Xmark Housewrap values are typical data and are not intended as limiting specifications.

For more info, a catalogue or to place an order please contact:

Tracey Craig
Inside Sales Representative
Paisley Protectives
40 Upton Road
Scarborough, Ontario
M 1L 2B8
416-751-3700 ext. 211

or visit us at www.paisleypro.com

All statements, technical information and recommendations contained in this document are based upon tests or experience that Paisley Products of Canada Incorporated (PPCI) believes are reliable. However, many factors beyond PPCI's control can affect the use and performance of a product in a particular application, including the conditions under which the product is used and the time and environmental conditions in which the product is expected to perform. Since these factors are uniquely within the user's knowledge and control, it is essential that the user evaluate the product to determine whether it is fit for a particular purpose and suitable for the user's method of application.

Unless stated otherwise in Paisley Products of Canada Incorporated (PPCI) literature, packaging inserts or product packaging for individual products, PPCI warrants that each product meets the applicable specifications at the time PPCI ships the product. Individual products may have additional or different warranties as stated on product literature, package inserts or product packages. PAISLEY PRODUCTS OF CANADA INCORPORATED (PPCI) MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY ARISING OUT OF A COURSE OF DEALING, CUSTOM OR USAGE OF TRADE. User is responsible for determining whether PPCI products are fit for a particular purpose and suitable for user's application. If the PPCI product is defective within the warranty period, your exclusive remedy and PPCI's and seller's sole obligation will be at PPCI's option, to replace the product or refund the purchase price.

Except where prohibited by law, Paisley Products of Canada Incorporated (PPCI) will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from the PPCI product, whether direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential, regardless of the legal theory asserted, including warranty, contract, negligence or strict liability.

Telephone: (416)751-3700 | Fax: (416)751-3882 | Email:info@paisleypro.com
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