Extra Protection
Xmark Stripper is ideal for use as a paint stripper in areas where abrasive blast cleaning and removal is not an option because of environment or worker safety concerns. This specially formulated, cost effective, water-based thixotropic liquid gel stripper is ideal for removing uncured and old cured paints and coatings such as epoxies and urethane materials from steel, concrete, aluminum and other alloys, wood, and masonry substrates. It contains no known carcinogens, methylene chloride or other chlorinated solvents. Depending on the type of coating being removed, the temperature, and the number of layers present, Xmark Stripper may take several minutes, or several hours to strip the coating.
Features and Benefits
- One-step paint stripper for almost any application
- Environmentally friendly
- Extremely effective and easy-to-use
- Easy clean-up