Construction Products Technical Bulletin
Green Home Buyers and Builders: Using Construction Products from Paisley Protectives in Nova Climat™ Certified Homes
Homebuilders and homebuyers across the continent are increasingly interested in green building. Green building means improving the way the homes and homebuilding sites use energy, water and materials to reduce impacts on human health and environment. Building a green home means making environmentally-preferable and sustainable decisions at every step of the design and construction process – decisions that will minimize the environmental impact of the home and while it is being built and over its lifetime.
Novaclimat™ is a new home program available to consumers in Quebec interested in buying a home with a high energy efficiency rating. In addition to improving by a minimum of 25% the energy efficiency of buildings, the Novaclimat™ program encourages the home construction industry to continually improve its building techniques. On a voluntary basis, contractors take training courses that lead to a Novaclimat™ certification. They receive technical support and the homes they build are inspected during the construction phase and certified by the Agence de l’efficacite energetique (AAE) if they satisfy all applicable requirements.
One of the fundamental elements of Novaclimat™ certified home is that the exterior walls contain comprehensive air barrier details to reduce drafts and prevent moisture and humidity from entering the wall and damaging the building.
The combination of Xmark Housewrap and our Contractor Sheathing Tape offers air-barrier performance that surpasses many of the products available in the residential construction market. These products can be used to achieve Novaclimat™ certification and give home owners cost-savings and long-term home value.